Well I haven't been here in a bit which is no good.  I have had a lot of thoughts and sometime I just need a break to calm my head.  All of this can be quite overwhelming at times and stressful.  I don't like to see our youth, husbands, brothers, sons, fathers going down the porn tube and it is everywhere you go now.  I felt a bit sad yesterday thinking of how Mother's are losing their husbands and sons to this fake world of fantasy.  Many Moms would not have felt special yesterday because they can't compete with porn, no real person can so I am sure many Moms had any other normal day because porn robs those closest to them of their passion, empathy and love.  Many men would not see their Wives or Mothers as special anymore and would and do take them for granted, using them for what they can get from them without having to give anything back.  It breaks my heart to know that Mom's are having to deal with this BS, this disgusting, degrading, world of make believe that their men choose to live in.  Yes it is a choice, Men always have a choice but their values become skewed and their perceptions of the women around them become affected negatively as well.   Still though there is a choice and it is affecting their life and the lives of their loved ones.  Maybe for Mother's Day the men could have just stopped and looked at themselves and what they are doing and what they are missing, great lives with their ladies and really knowing them and seeing them.   They could have made the choice to stop and to see and hear the women in their lives and to give them the appreciation and honesty that they deserve.  Love the women in your life, do not treat them like objects or as someone to serve you better.

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    I am a wife and  mother of two, a highschool daughter and elementary aged son.  I am hardworking, loving, fun and supportive and I never thought this issue would touch my life but it has in more ways than one.  I want to bring more awareness to this major problem in our society and maybe can help someone along the way too.
    - Cam


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